Friday, January 31, 2020

Manus for example refuses to speak Essay Example for Free

Manus for example refuses to speak Essay The opening movement can be referred to as the gathering where the characters are introduced to the audience9. It is evident that the sequence in which Friel presents the characters to the audience on stage is significant. Primarily, an obvious observation to make would be the entrance of the Irish community to the stage, followed by the English. However, the entrance of the Irish community to the stage alone is equally important, appropriately starting with Manus, Sarah and Jimmy Jack. These characters are the least accepting of Englands colonialism, and refuse to acknowledge the inevitable changes (Manus for example refuses to speak English. ). It is quite fitting therefore that Owen is the last Irish member to enter the stage; for he has not only embraced the unavoidable changes, but he has joined forces with the English to enforce them. Unlike his brother Hugh, and the other Irish members, he fails to appreciate that the roots of the Irish culture are masked in language. Friel also has additional reasoning for such a pattern of entrance. Hughs entrance following his attendance at the baptism of Nellie Ruadhs baby for example enhances the importance of naming in the play. I strongly agree with the critic Leon Litvack who stresses It is not so much the naming and the changing of names, but what that signifies and what those names signify in a particular context10. In the second and third acts there is celebration and breakdown together. Effectively, Friel contrasts the first two celebratory acts with the final act of breakdown, to represent the scattering of the Irish people and the collapse of the Irish culture. Hughs return from the christening of Nellie Ruadhs baby in Act one and his return from the babys wake in Act three symbolises simultaneously Britains colonialism of Ireland, and the death of the Irish language. Baile Beag can be perceived in Translations as a microcosm of Ireland11. In a similar way, one could thus support the view that the desire of the English to make a map is itself a microcosm Englands desire to colonise Ireland. Therefore, Friel uses this to represent how the roots of the Irish culture are destroyed, through the destruction of Irelands place names. Lanceys blinkered statement that a map is a representation on paper reinforces this viewpoint. However, I disagree with critics such as Andrews who over historicize the play, claiming that Friel attempted to portray the map as an extreme act of colonialism. In order to correct Friels so called historical errors Andrews claims that the map was much more of a civil measure, rather than an oppressive military act. In support of Friels own words that the play has to do with language and language only it is important to highlight the relationship between names and identity. Friel maintains that names, culture and relationships (embodied in language), establish identity. He supports this theory through the character of Sarah, a girl with speech difficulties, silenced by the colonisers she knows she cannot. She closes her mouth. Her head goes down. In contrast to this, in A Passage to India Forster suggests that identity is found on a more spiritual level, and is only masked by names, culture and relationships. Ironically, while Forster focuses on the complexity of three different religions, places and seasons to emphasise the importance of the individual, Friel adopts the small hedge school of Baile Beag, and the personal relationships within the school to stress the significance of language on a larger scale, and its importance when considering Irelands loss of identity through colonisation. In A Passage to India Forster questions the importance of language, relationships and culture, illustrating the significance of the spiritual understanding of the individual. Forster achieves this primarily through the character of Mrs Moore, and the spirituality of Hinduism. However, the issue of colonialism is less important in A Passage to India, and plays a more prominent role in Friels Translations. Unlike Forster, through the colonialism of Baile Beag Friel demonstrates his belief that the core of a persons individuality is held in language, and without it their culture, relationships and names are lost.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The Factor of Consolidation of the Mankind :: Philosophy Philosophical Papers

The Factor of Consolidation of the Mankind Works Cited Missing ABSTRACT: The aspiration of people almost everywhere to construct a public life on the basis of justice is the predominant tendency in the historical development of humankind. The natural world in which we dwell is, from the standpoint of our using its resources to satisfy our vital needs, one and indivisible. Thus, the public conditions of human activity in the economic, social, and political spheres should be brought into harmony with nature's conditions. This requires the consolidation of the efforts of nations and peoples-their mutual integration. The significance of spiritual and philosophical preconditions of this process is crucial, as the transformation of society on the principles of justice, from the standpoint both of history and of present-day reality, is possible only on the basis of knowledge of the foundations of human vital activity. I discuss efforts being made toward this end in the young, independent nation of Uzbekistan, there are certain. In our epoch the alarm is being heard: it is reminding peoples, countries, states and governments that mankind, in it's historical development, for a long time has approached that responsible boundary, where the problem of the universal construction of public life on the basis of justice assumes the role of a certain categorical imperative. The present approach has been prepared historically, economically, technologically, socialogically, politically, and, above all, — spiritually. Everything: labour, morals, art, religion, family, ethnic and national communities, state formations, science and etc. have the purpose, directly or indirectly, of reaching the utmost generalized integrative purpose of all people of the Earth, — to have a happy life, worthy of a human . The way to acheive this goal was long and thorny. It wasn't easy to understand that fairness must become a reality for all, or it would not exist for anyone. I.e., it should not be reached for some at the expense of or infringement of the rights of others. Our planet, the Earth, is the home of all mankind. The human race is uniform. The natural resources allocation of the Earth, — the dwelling of mankind, — isn't proportional to frontiers. Hence, the economic, technological, social and political development of mankind should be also integrated, working together in unison and precise balance. By means of an ideologically contributing factor there can appear, first of all, spirituality, as a generic attribute of mankind, representing the profound, motivating, incentive substance of its vital activity.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Early Learning and Childcare

Early learning and childcare 63 Trafford rd rushden northans nn10 Abigail wignall sh40856/NCC assignment 1 pg1 Task1. 1 From birth to adulthood children continually grow develop and learn,if children do not develop propely they may be unable to reach their full potential. All young people follow a similar pattern of develpoment,however each child is diffrent and may develop at a diffrent rate. There are three areas of development, physical, intellectual,social and emotional. heres is a guide of how they develop for the following age ranges â€Å"taken from study book early learning and childcare†. -3yrs physical development by6months a child will:  ·turn their head towars sounds and movement  ·watch an adults face while feeding  ·smile at familar faces and voices  ·reach up to hold their feet when lying on their backs  ·hold and shake a rattle  ·put everythings in their mouths between 6months and 1year  ·move from sitting with support to sitting alone  ·roll ov er from their tummy to their back  ·begin to creep, crawl or shuffle on their bottom  ·push on or push against adult hands or furniture to reach a standing position  ·raise arms to be lifted  ·turn and look up when they hear their name pat and poke objects when playing  ·pass objects from hand to hand  ·look for things thathave been hidden or dropped  ·reaches hand toward source of food Between one and two years  ·begin to walk  ·sits alone indefinitely  ·feed themselves  ·push and pull toys while walking  ·wave goodbye  ·point or make noises to indiacte wants  ·enjoy a picture book  ·shake head for no  ·uses thumb and first two fingers to grip  ·crawl upstairs  ·stoops to pick things up from floor  ·begins to show prefrence for onr hand  ·builds tower of few bricks  ·holds crayon in palm and makes marks on paper Between two and three  ·Kneels to play  ·throws kicks ball  ·builds larger bruck tower  ·pour liquids  ·uses pencil to m ake marks and circular scribbles Newborn to three months the social and emotional development should be the child very depdant on adults maily mother for comfort,cuddles and reassurance and the child will quieten while the adults do so. Between six to nine months the child enjoys the company of others and begin to like games such as peek a boo and show affection to known people but shywith strangers at one to two years their social development should extend to play alongside other children also like to please adults and perform to an audience.They may become upset and distressed if seperated from known adults, a object can be used for comfort. By two to three years they should be developing a sense of own identidy and want to do things themselves and demand adult attention and can become reluctant to share be prone to tantrums outburts but also enjoy playing with adults or older children who give attention, and play with others same age for short periods of time. intelectual develop ment between 0-3years should be begining to realise others are seperate beings from ourselves and become more confident but do still require adult reassurance.At 0-3 months language development should be making happy sounds 6-12 months they should be making babbling sounds and begin show feelings by squealing with pleasure, crying or laughing to show enjoyment. one to two years they should be joining words to make sentances and by two be using 50-150 words and start understand conversation and understand keywords. by 2-3 years should be able to put words together to make sentances scribble on paper use several hundread words by three be joining in songs and be asking questionns like how? why?. Physical development at age 3-7years yrs  ·jump with feet together  ·walk on tip toes  ·go up and down the stairs  ·catch and thow a ball  ·climb  ·paint  ·thread beads on to laces  ·gain controll over eating tools 4years  ·throw with aim  ·use sccissors  ·hold pencil be able draw houses/people 5years  ·hop  ·skip  ·ride bike  ·jump from height  ·climb confidently  ·write  ·thread needles  ·do laces and buttons (Information found children and young peoples workforce-early learning and childcare 2012) By 3-4years their intellectual development should be as follows, able sort objects into gropus eg colour or size.Understand simple tasks given for example fetch a story book and bring it to mummy. socialy and emotionaly they should have become more independant and self motivated feeling more secure and able cope with unfamilar faces and surroundings for small periods of time. By 4-5years grammar becomes more accurate and their questions become more complex communicating better, able understand books as a source of fun and begin to recoginze wn name and written words theve seen on few occasions, be able form some lettering and begin copying shapes.At age 5-7years they should be handling books well and understand text has meaning, be able make up stories and regonize an increasing number of letters linking them to sound. development at age 7-12 years should be thye child being able to run,hop skip,climb,swing confidently, and start enjoying team games and may misjudge their own abilty before age nine. Social and emotional development at this age range should becoming less dependant on adults nad enjoy being in a group of people at the same age wanting to fit in with the peer rules. They should have an understanding that certain behavoiurs are un acceptable.Begin form close relationships at age eight also becoming more aware of own gender can be bossy or arogant but enjoy playing with others same sex but need adult reassurance and help when comes to arguments in play. Intelecutaly at this age the child should be able to read,write and take an intrest in certain subjects he enjoys by around 9, also be knowing diffrence tenses and grammar,read out loud but may need help tackling complexities of spelling, their vocabular y will grow if adults introduce and encourage new words and ways of using lanuage.At the age 12-19years is said to be the period from childhood to adulthood could start at age 11 and last untill 19-20years. Adolesecnce is a transition period where young people grdually detach themselves from their parents, and form a close group of friends. many physical changes occur at this stage in life, changing their apperance and bodies, coordination and strength increase greatly although every persons rate can be diffrent.Adolesence for boys usually begins later than girls, boys begin to develop sex characteristics like deep voices body hair and muscle growth,testicals and scrotom growth begins in mid puberty penis growth beings a little later but continues growing for a longer period of time. Girls begin breast budding at around age ten, her pubic hair will begin to grow and darken and curl also body begins to to become more round developing curves of womanhood, By 13 some girls can almost b e physicaly mature, also this is average age to bein their menstral cycle this can depend on the age of pubertal onset.By age 15 a girl is most likely to e at her adult height and may have a woman figure but her hips and breasts may become fuller. Lanuage development in teenagers may become imtating but that is there way of testing out there new found language and skills like sarcasam, their logical thinking ability is also growing and maturing they may ut them into pratice by debate either fomaly or infomaly.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Analysis Of A P By John Updike - 895 Words

â€Å"In walks these three girls in nothing but bathing suits† (Updike 1). With the previous quote, would one believe that the storyline is set in a grocery store? In John Updike’s â€Å"AP,† Sammy is the main character. The entire narrative happens through his eyes. Having three out of the ordinary girls walk into the A P mystified Sammy as well as the other men in the store. The tale follows the girls around while they shop and until they leave. It carefully describes what aisles the girls pass through while Sammy is trying to figure them out. The three strange girls’ activities are distracting and intriguing him to the point that he messes up while ringing up a customer. The story is all about what the people ponder when they meet the girls.†¦show more content†¦By being different, the girls gave him enough courage to break out of the longstanding system as he tries to impress them. Sadly, he was not able to impress the girls. Nevertheless, h e was able to break free from the unchanging circle of life the only problem with that is that out of the cycle, there is no stability which worries him creating a new dilemma that the boy must overcome. There are two generations displayed here, the elder and the younger one. Representing the senior generation is the manager, Lengel; the narrative states that he is friends of Sammy’s parents, so he seems to be a male from forty to fifty years of age. â€Å"Lengel sighs and begins to look very patient and old and gray. Hes been a friend of my parents for years† (Updike 5). The younger portrait by the cashier and the girls. Mentioned in the brief tale, Sammy was almost 19 years of age. â€Å"I was nineteen this April† (Updike 2). So, there is a difference between the thoughts of the people from both generations. The characters views about what is right or wrong are all created by the atmosphere, environment, and individuals surrounding Sammy. Both worlds beliefs antagonize increasing the abysm that separates them. â€Å"He blames the customers of his AP for being ‘houseslaves’ without any sensitivity to the misfortunes of literal or metaphoric slavery the epithet points to† (Dessner 316). Sammy is still in the youth’s world with his â€Å"boy’s innocence† (Dessner 316). Youngsters do not seemShow MoreRelatedJohn Updike aP Analysis1508 Words   |  7 PagesHanks Aamp;P- In John Updikes Aamp;P, choices and consequences are portrayed as a fundamental and recurring theme throughout the story. Many can understand the idea of repercussions for specific decisions and actions, which makes this story very relatable to most audiences. The story encompasses numerous ideologies paramount to human development and philosophy. Dismantling the story can help depict underlain meanings and asses the ambiguous nature of humanity. The construct of Aamp;P portraysRead MoreAnalysis Of A P By John Updike731 Words   |  3 PagesIn â€Å"AP†, John Updike uses compelling diction, language, and description to enhance the perspective of Sammy within the story and his final decision to quit his job. The use of imagery within the supermarket develops the environment Sammy worked in to a greater extent and painted diverse pictures of the customers. The derogatory descriptions of Lengel and some customers was also significant in terms of revealing Sammy’s emotio ns about his job at AP. The nature of the situation with the girls andRead MoreA P John Updike Analysis856 Words   |  4 PagesIn John Updike’s â€Å"A P†, he expresses the life of a young boy names Sammy, who works in a small food mart named A P. It’s a coming of age story that deals with puberty taking over the better of Sammy and trying to come out the hero when in reality he comes out looking like a fool. There is also one other detail that cause inner and outer conflicts with Sammy that lead to life lessons and the realization that not everyone is happy where they’re at in life, but if you work hard enough, anythingRead MoreAnalysis Of A P By John Updike1324 Words   |  6 PagesNovember 2015 2015 Unavoidable Conflict Sammy is a local cashier in a grocery store called AP who resents the local town and disagrees with the local populous. A strong willed teenager who is more than aware of himself tries to get a firm footing in the town. When this backfires Sammy becomes drastic and hastily makes a decision to try to fix all of the issues. To capture this idea in AP by John Updike, it illustrates the struggles of a young teenage male, where his beliefs are against that ofRead MoreAnalysis Of A P By John Updike845 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"The sheep pushing against the carts down the aisle - the girls were walking against the traffic - were pretty hilarious† (Updike AP). The title of this story is AP, written by John Updike. The main characters shown in this story are Sammy, The Three Girls, Lengel, and Stokesie. Here’s a brief summary, â€Å"Three girls walk into AP wearing bikinis. Sammy’s constantly looks at â€Å"Queenie†, the group leader. Stokesie joins in as Sammy watches the girls go aisle after aisle. As the girls reach to theRead MoreAnalysis Of A P By John Updike1560 Words   |  7 PagesJalen Johnson Ms. Mahaffey Eng 102 10/15/17 Feminism in AP In the story â€Å"AP† by John Updike he tries to portray the conventional lifestyle and tendency of his community. The story â€Å"AP† proves how feminism was a large part of the conservative lifestyle and is still present today. AP helps you visualize how sexism could be happening right under our noses. The story is told through the main character Sammy, who is an ordinary teenager in the small town. Sammy makes a courageous effort to fight feminismRead MoreAnalysis of AP by John Updike533 Words   |  2 Pagesâ€Å"AP† (supermarket) is a short story written by the hardworking and highly productive John Updike and narrated in first person by a 19-year-old protagonist and cashier named Sammy. It was published in 1961 and is about Sammy’s change of character and coming of age. Updike uses the various shifts in tone, great attention to detail, and a great deal of symbolism to portray the significant change. The opening sentence â€Å" In walks three girls in nothing but bathing suits† (par.1) sets up the colloquialRead MoreAnalysis Of John Updike s A P 1804 Words   |  8 Pagesit’s seemingly infallibility. Most young people feel invincible, but really it is their naivety and inability to understand the harsh concept of reality that enables this behavior. While a common theme in literature, John Updike gives the tale of youth a consumerist spin in â€Å"AP†. Updike tells the story of Sammy the cashier, who see’s himself as superior to those around him and believes he will turn out nothing like the adults he’s surrounded with. He seems to get his chance to be great when some beautifulRead MoreAnalysis Of John Updike s A P1293 Words   |  6 PagesJohn Updike is viewed by his readers as a progressive voice in his work that promotes feminist issues. He makes these issues stand out more evidently, rather than hidden, in order for the reader to rea lize how women are viewed in society. From reading Updike’s AP, the story sends the message to readers of genders working together to strive for equality. If readers do not carefully and actively read AP they may miss key messages about the power men hold over women, not just in society but in literatureRead MoreAnalysis Of John Updike s A P2577 Words   |  11 Pagescome together and declare allegiance to a similar core of beliefs. And, when they do, they ask a particular set of question about a literary work. Each different way of analyzing a literary work elicits a different set of questions. AP, a short story by John Updike, would best be analyzed by using the school of New Criticism and analyzing the journey Sammy, the narrator, experiences throughout the story. The school of New Criticism believes that the work’s overall meaning depends solely on the text